Once upon a time, a clever chimp named Chase lived on a tall hill with two areas: the Lower Ground and the Upper Ground. The Sun, high in the sky, was crucial for growing bananas—especially at the top. Whenever the Sun (like a guiding force) shone brightly on the Upper Ground, bananas there grew extra-large and juicy.
For many seasons, Chase would pick small bananas from the Lower Ground and plant them up top, where they would soak up plenty of sunlight and grow much bigger. This system was easy:
As more chimps noticed this trick, they too started planting their bananas up high.
But then, something changed. The Sun refused to shine as strongly on the Upper Ground. Plus, so many new banana trees had sprouted that they blocked what sunlight was left. The bananas no longer grew as large or as fast.
Chase watched the Upper Ground bananas shrink and thought, “If the Sun isn’t shining like it used to, and the trees are overcrowded, am I getting enough benefit from planting bananas up here?”
Chase tried to warn the other chimps about the fading sunshine and the crowded banana trees. “The bananas up top aren’t much bigger than the ones below now,” he said. “It may be time to rethink our climb.” But many chimps kept making the same trip, hoping the Sun would return to full strength.
Eventually, the difference between the bottom bananas and the top bananas got too small. The chimps who had ignored Chase realized their big-banana dreams weren’t paying off anymore. Some rushed to move their bananas back down, crowding the path and creating chaos. But Chase, who had already scaled back his trips up the hill, avoided the worst of the scramble.
When you see signs that the Sun isn’t shining like it once did—be it fewer rewards or too much crowding—it often pays to be the first to adapt. Chase saw the warning signs early: smaller Upper Ground bananas and an overabundance of trees blocking the light. Recognizing change before everyone else can save you from climbing a hill that no longer rewards the effort.